engine oil bulk dropshipping

Engine oil, which plays the role of blood in the engine, is produced from compounds such as base oil and additives. First, Lubcat is produced in the refinery from crude oil, and then it is sent to the extraction unit as the raw material of the lubrication unit, where the materials containing gasoline compounds are removed, then the refined (refining materials) containing oil to the waxing unit.  Today, due to the higher consumption of this type of oil in the market, we are facing a sudden drop in engine oil bulk .


engine oil bulk dropshipping

What are the types of engine oil?

What are the types of engine oil?

Types of ROM engine oils can be divided into five groups:

1- Mineral base oils

2. Synthetic oils

3- Oils obtained from the combination of mineral and synthetic base

4- Oils obtained from mineral base optimization

5- Refining base oils

Mineral engine oil is a type of oil that is produced from crude oil and is a common oil that is used in all cars.

Synthetic engine oil: is a type of oil that is based on chemical compounds produced and is the first oil used in jet engines. This type of oil is different from other engine oils in terms of quality due to having different types with different ingredients and increases Its consumption has been reduced compared to minerals.
Among the benefits of this oil that can be mentioned:

A- Due to its long life, it reduces oil consumption in the car.

B- Being non-toxic

C. Low evaporation

D- High oxidation resistance

E- Rapid reaction due to high viscosity index against temperature changes

And high burning temperature

Semi-synthetic engine oil:

The quality of this type of oil is higher than mineral and at high temperatures, it shows better performance than mineral and has a higher price than it.

New generation engine oil base:

This type of oil is used in the production of new oils. And it is similar to mineral base oils from petroleum based.
Refining base oils (monogrid):

This oil is used in the production of low-level oils. Due to the fact that acid is extremely harmful to the car engine, it is recommended to avoid it.

Engine oil has many uses, including the following:

Minimizes friction and wear between car engine parts. Contaminants and sediment sludge from the operation and combustion of the engine are absorbed and keep the components inside the engine clean. Engine oil selector reduces the heat generated by the engine and cools the engine. By sealing the parts, it causes the parts to move smoothly. Therefore, suitable additives must be used to produce such oil.

The largest center of engine oil bulk

The largest center of engine oil bulk

 Among the various engine oils, some are the most widely used and at the same time the best engine oils that can be used. In Iran, motor oils are considered that have a reasonable price and the raw materials for making these oils are of higher quality.
Therefore, depending on the variety of brands, there are different prices for engine oil in the market. In our collection, which is the largest major center of engine oil, there are different from types of engine oil different brands in the market that you can buy online from our collection at a reasonable price.

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